SANKOR 16F Anamorphic Lens REVIEW

SANKOR 16F Anamorphic Lens REVIEW

I’ve very excited to finally share this post with you guys. Some time ago I came across an Instagram user SAMAMORPHIC, who produces some of the most beautiful, atmospheric and dreamy anamorphic content. Eventually we got taking and I found out that Sam uses a Sankor 16F (an anamorphic lens that is new to me)…

Super-Takumar 55mm F2 vs Helios 44-2 58mm F2

Super-Takumar 55mm F2 vs Helios 44-2 58mm F2

I am real Helios 44-2 58mm F2 “fanboy”; I recommend it to everyone who asks me for a vintage lens advice, but thanks to the video made by fellow vintage lens fan, Victor Bart, there is a “new” kid on the block that we should be taking the notice of.  The lens in question is…

ILLUMINA (LOMO) Super35 High Speed Cine Lenses

ILLUMINA (LOMO) Super35 High Speed Cine Lenses

A fellow filmmaker & my go to guy when it comes to info on Russian lenses, Tomasz Wolski aka Film Cyfeowy has recently written a wonderful article for the Polish Filammking Magazine “FilmPro” (check out their Website & Facebook). The article is about Illumina MK-II Cine lenses from LOMO, a legendary producer of film cameras…

Using Zeiss Medium Format Lenses on Modern Cameras

Using Zeiss Medium Format Lenses on Modern Cameras

It’s great to see that there are a lot of like-minded filmmakers out there who also see the benefits of vintage glass and happily use it on their professional productions. Among these is a cinematographer Frank Glencairn, who a lot of you probably already know. But if you, don’t make sure to check out his…



Auto Chinon 55mm F1.7 is an interesting lens.  There appear to be so many versions of this lens. The one I’ve tested is a Multi-Coasted version with greenish coasting tint which actually looks very nice and for that reason I’ve now had it as a backdrop along with Zeiss 135mm F3.5 on my tweeter account…

200mm Lens Test & Overview. Part 1 (Hanimar, Chinon, Optimax, Prinzgalaxy)

200mm Lens Test & Overview. Part 1 (Hanimar, Chinon, Optimax, Prinzgalaxy)

It is time for my second test so far. This I quickly tested 4 very cheap 200mm primes, all 4 in very easily adaptable M42 mount.  200mm is a nice long focal length for video, anything longer and camera starts go become very shaky, so for the long shots 200mm is one of the best…