Olympus Zuiko 50mm F1.4 VS Chinon Multi-Coated 55mm F1.7

Olympus Zuiko 50mm F1.4 VS Chinon Multi-Coated 55mm F1.7

As you can tell from my previous post I was certainly impressed with the unknown & forgotten Auto Chonon Multi-Coated 55mm F1.7, but to put things into better perspective I decided to do a simple comparison test against the my everyday 50mm lens of choice, the Olympus Zuiko F1.4. The Olympus is a bit wider…



Auto Chinon 55mm F1.7 is an interesting lens.  There appear to be so many versions of this lens. The one I’ve tested is a Multi-Coasted version with greenish coasting tint which actually looks very nice and for that reason I’ve now had it as a backdrop along with Zeiss 135mm F3.5 on my tweeter account…

25-250mm Cine Zooms for S35 Cameras

25-250mm Cine Zooms for S35 Cameras

I’ve been recently asked for advance on a proper vintage cine lens for around $1000-2000 that would work with a Super35 sensor cameras like Canon C100/300, Sony FS100/700 & others. I think it’s quite a relevant question as a lot of people would love to own a proper cine lens, but a few can afford…



Here is a short test video I’ve shot with my favorite 135mm prime, the Helios 135mm f/2.8. The video above was shot on my little Sony NEX 5N with a simple neck brace for support, so the footage is not the most stable (sorry). Nevertheless, I think it’s easy to agree that this lens produces…

Rokinon 35mm f/1.4 Lens Review

Rokinon 35mm f/1.4 Lens Review

Above is a quick review of Rokinon 35mm f/1.4 (standard version) prime lens by my buddy Mark Linsangan aka ThatTechShow.  The Rokinon 35mm is essentially the same lens as the Samyang 35mm f/1.4 I reviewed so time ago. I agree with Mark. This lens is pretty amazing and while it’s not a vintage lens it…

Micro 4/3 Legacy Lenses Overview (Canon FD, Nikon E, Vivitar)

Micro 4/3 Legacy Lenses Overview (Canon FD, Nikon E, Vivitar)

I found this video above some time ago, in fact it was posted in 2010 before I even got into vintage lenses, so hats off to bradjudy for doing this great overview of the lenses he uses with his Panasonic GH1 camera. Most of the lenses n the video if not all, could also be…

WIN Rikenon 50mm f/2 Prime Lens | February Vintage Lens Giveaway

WIN Rikenon 50mm f/2 Prime Lens | February Vintage Lens Giveaway

Welcome to a (very last minute) February Vintage Lens Giveaway. Again almost didn’t happen, but I just had to do it anyway, because I told you guys many times, my goal to do them every month. So this time round I’m giving away a Rikenon 50mm f/2.0 prime lens which is a great lens for low…

Tair 11A 135mm f/2.8 Lens Test Video

Tair 11A 135mm f/2.8 Lens Test Video

Here is yet another video from Mario Suze giving us a detailed look at Tair 11A 135mm f/2.8 prime lens. Tair is an old, but very solid and very unusual Russian lens. I have two of these myself and although I haven’t tested them yet, this video really makes me want to have a ago…

Asahi Super-Takumar 35mm f/2.0 Lens Test

Asahi Super-Takumar 35mm f/2.0 Lens Test

Everyone loves 35mm lenses. Especially with so many crop censor cameras 35mm became the new 50mm. I absolutely love the Samyang 35mm f/1.4 lens and while it’s cheap for a modern lens, it’s quite a bit more expensive than vintage lenses. There are a lot of vintage 35mm lenses, but the faster one are not…

Asahi Super-Takumar 50mm f1.4 Lens Test

Asahi Super-Takumar 50mm f1.4 Lens Test

This is yet another great lens test video I found on youtube that proves how great vintage lenses are. This Asahi Super-Takumar 50mm f/1.4 lens test was shot by a filmmaker Stefano Rinaldo with a Sony VG10 camcorder. The VG10 is not considered to be a very popular camera, but with a combination of great…